5 Key Considerations for Effective Product Portfolio Management

brown leather sling bag on brown wooden table

Product portfolio management is the process of managing a company’s portfolio of products. This is to ensure that they align with the company’s overall strategy and goals. It involves making decisions about which products to invest in, how to allocate resources among them, and how to phase out products that are no longer viable. Key … Read more

Targeting Strategies in Marketing: An Overview of Mass-Marketing, Differentiated, and Niche Marketing

man and a woman on a business meeting

In today’s highly competitive market, it’s essential for businesses to have a clear and effective targeting strategy in order to reach and attract their desired audience. Targeting involves segmenting the market, choosing the right segments, and determining the products that will be offered to each segment. This article will cover three common targeting Strategies in … Read more

5 Steps to Developing a Successful Roadmap in Product Management

young woman in white fur coat holding a road map

Product management is the process of bringing a product to market and ensuring its success. One important aspect of product management is roadmap development, which involves creating a plan for the development and evolution of a product over time. Introduction A roadmap is a high-level document that outlines the major goals and milestones for a … Read more

Avoiding the Pitfall of Confusing Yourself with Your Customer in Product Management

Confusing Yourself with Your Customer in Product Management; Adding Features to a Product

In product management, it is important to understand the needs and wants of the target market in order to develop a successful product. However, it is not uncommon for product managers to “confuse themselves with their customer,” which means that they assume their own perspective and needs are the same as those of the customer. … Read more